Mitigation Plans

A Mitigation Plan is an action plan developed by the registered entity and submitted to ReliabilityFirst to (1) correct a noncompliance with a North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) Reliability Standard and (2) prevent its reoccurrence.  

  • The ERO Mitigation Plan Guide, included in the document library below, provides guidelines and steps to develop a Mitigation Plan. 
  • Mitigation Plans can be submitted using the Mitigation Plan form in the Compliance Portal. To submit a Mitigation Plan, log into the Compliance Portal, select Mitigation Plans and Add Mitigation Plan from the left navigation menu. 

Mitigation Plan Expectations 

  • Mitigation Plans should contain both corrective and preventive actions to address the possible noncompliance. 
  • Some form of root cause analysis should be included and a root cause must be specified. The root cause analysis should also be evident in the solution. 
  • Even if some of the work in the Mitigation Plan has already been completed, it should still be included with proposed and actual completion dates for each milestone. 
  • Major steps should appear in the milestones table. 
  • Completion timeframes should be reasonable. 

 For any questions regarding Mitigation Plans, please visit our Contact Us page and direct your question to the Risk Analysis & Mitigation group. 

Registered Entity Self-Report and Mitigation Plan User Guide (from NERC) 

Tips for Effective Self-Reports, Mitigation Plans, and Evidence Submittals