Addressing Risks
Key risk areas for electric grid reliability
ReliabilityFirst subject matter experts constantly study and analyze the latest trends and data associated with different risk factors facing the electric grid. These risks can be generally categorized into different risk areas; however, the reality of complex systems like the electric grid is that risk areas overlap and impact each other. Furthermore, it is essential to remain ever vigilant in order to discover risks that might not yet be visible.
There are 11 risk areas highlighted in the dropdown under this menu, many of which are also highlighted in the ERO Reliability Risk Priorities Report (linked below). Explore each page for more information on how each risk area impacts the electric grid, how it is addressed by the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) Reliability Standards, how ReliabilityFirst and the greater ERO Enterprise is working to address it, as well as relevant resources for entities, states, and communities.