Events & Data Requests
Events and Data Requests
ReliabilityFirst collects a wide range of information from registered entities to help monitor the reliability and security of the electric grid, including engineering data, compliance data and event data. The ERO Enterprise Informational Package includes a detailed write-up on data reporting that covers the circumstances and logistics around event and data reporting. There are five main categories of event and data reporting:
- Event/Disturbance Reporting (reports following system events and incidents)
- Engineering and System Data (engineering data needed for planning studies)
- Section 1600 Data Requests (data requested and reported as per Section 1600 of the NERC Rules of Procedure)
- NERC Alerts (email-based “alerts” to industry designed to provide concise, actionable information to address a risk to the grid)
- Periodic Data Submittals (covered under the Compliance heading. Note: this includes vegetation contacts)

Looking for Misoperations Reporting and MIDAS?
NERC now collects regional Protection System operation and Misoperations data into the new Misoperations Information Data Analysis System (MIDAS).
If you have any questions regarding Protection System Operations and Misoperations Reporting, please visit our Contact Us page and direct your question to the Compliance group.