NERC Alert
About NERC Alerts
The North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) periodically sends alerts to registered entities via email. They are a critical component in ensuring the reliability and security of the bulk power system in North America. NERC Alerts have three distinct levels:
- Industry Advisory: Purely informational, intended to alert registered entities to issues or potential problems. A response to NERC is not necessary.
- Recommendation to Industry: Recommends specific action be taken by registered entities. A response from recipients, as defined in the alert, is required.
- Essential Action: Identifies actions deemed to be “essential” to bulk power system reliability and requires NERC Board of Trustees’ approval prior to issuance. Like recommendations, essential actions also require recipients to respond as defined in the alert.
For more information on NERC Alerts, please visit the NERC website.
For resources on past NERC Alerts, please explore the Related Resources section below.