First Things RFirst: April 2024

Expert analysis for a more reliable, secure and resilient electric grid, plus news and updates for RF stakeholders.


Note from the publisher

Welcome to the new-look version of the ReliabilityFirst newsletter, First Things RFirst! Expect to find the same great content here from our talented and knowledgeable staff as well as key updates you won’t want to miss. We hope this new format will make articles more shareable as well as easier to find, whether you are searching for something you previously read and want to reference again or you are looking for guidance on a topic in our Resource Center. If you want to share any feedback, feel free to send us a note here. Happy reading!


RF Insights & Analysis


The Lighthouse: Quantum computing and operation systems

Think of a world where anything you write, say, or do can be intercepted and understood by anyone. That is the world we might live in if we didn’t have cryptography.  Several of the types of cryptography we use without knowing it are threatened by computing advances on the horizon. Read about what’s coming in cryptography, how it could affect cybersecurity in operational systems, and how to begin preparing for these changes.

McGulpin Point Lighthouse

McGulpin Point Lighthouse (Photo: Lew Folkerth)

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Continuous Improvement: Freeze protection requirements and winterization best practices

This article discusses how a continuous improvement mindset is a great way to approach NERC’s cold weather Standard EOP-012, as well as winterization preparedness and best practices by taking a look at RF’s Cold Weather Winterization Program.

Snow covered power plant

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Internal Controls: Spring cleaning to ensure critical controls and compliance steps are in place in 2024

While 2023 may be behind us, 2024 marches on – and the ever-evolving risk landscape with it. How do we ensure we’re ready? It’s almost spring – consider doing some spring cleaning of your controls! Here are some questions entities can consider in 2024 that promote a sustainability mindset beyond just “do we meet the Standard and Requirement as stated”?

Spring cleaning checklist

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Preparing for an early spring: Common reliability challenges surrounding vegetation management

Unseasonably warm temperatures have dominated Northeast Ohio for the majority of the year, which means that a longer, larger spring growth flush could be right around the corner for vegetation on and alongside the transmission rights-of-way. Are your programs ready with the necessary controls in place?

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Regulatory Affairs: Grid reliability news we’re tracking

The latest regulatory headlines we’re tracking include:

  • FERC establishes Federal and State Current Issues Collaborative
  • FERC approves EOP-011-4 and TOP-002-5
  • FERC, NERC, and Regional Entities to conduct joint review of Winter Storms Gerri and Heather
  • FERC issues RTO-ISO metrics report
  • FERC and Nuclear Regulatory Commission hold joint meeting
  • NERC files IBR standards work plan with FERC

FERC office

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News & Updates


Regional Risk Assessment highlights top eight risk priorities in the ReliabilityFirst region

RF collaborated with industry stakeholders on our technical committees and subcommittees to pinpoint the top eight risk priorities in our region. Read more about these risks, how they interrelate, and our work to mitigate them in our 2023-24 Regional Risk Assessment.

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RF encourages registered entities to join the E-ISAC for grid security information, analysis and events

RF understands that as threats to the grid continue to grow, so does the need for real-time, trusted information for electricity industry professionals. The Electricity Information Sharing and Analysis Center (E-ISAC) keeps asset owners and operators informed about cyber and physical threats to the North American bulk power system through around-the-clock situational awareness and expert analysis.

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NERC launches IBR registration resources for entities

As part of its Inverter-Based Resource Strategy, NERC is dedicated to identifying and addressing challenges associated with inverter-based resources (IBR) as the penetration of these resources continues to increase. NERC has launched several initiatives to ensure industry stakeholders are kept informed throughout this critical, three-phase project.

Cornfield Wind Turbine

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Upcoming Events


April 15, 2-3:30 p.m. EST | Technical Talk with RF

Join us for Tech Talk on April 15, 2024, at 2 p.m. EST. We’ll be joined by David Batz, Managing Director of Cyber and Infrastructure Security at Edison Electric Institute. Batz will offer insight on one of the biggest risks the electric grid is facing today – transformer supply chain shortages and dependence on China and other foreign nations for these devices.

As we electrify the grid, expand distribution and transmission, and respond to extreme weather events, maintaining a secure, reliable supply of transformers is critical to our national security. Batz will discuss the risks, the challenges, the mitigations, and spare equipment strategies.

Event details


Aug. 7-8 | Protection System and Human Performance Workshops

Registration is now open for the annual Protection System and Human Performance Workshops. Don’t miss these opportunities to collaborate, learn from peers and adopt best practices on these important aspects of maintaining the reliability and security of the electric grid. Both events will be held virtually this year. Stay tuned for more detailed agenda information to come soon.

Protection System Workshop | Aug. 7, 2024, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Human Performance Workshop | Aug. 8, 2024, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.


Sept. 17-18 | Fall Reliability & Security Summit

Formerly known as the Fall Workshop, the 2024 Fall Reliability and Security Summit will take place Sept. 17-18, 2024, in Indianapolis. Please save the date, mark your calendars, and stay tuned for additional information on topics and agendas.

Event details

To explore our full calendar of upcoming events, click here.