NERC details Interregional Transfer Capability Study need and approach in new report

The North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) published the Interregional Transfer Capability Study (ITCS) Overview of Study Need and Approach this week, the first of four planned ITCS reports. This document details transfer capability calculations and the methodology used to make recommendations for prudent additions.

The ERO Enterprise launched the ITCS in response to a directive in the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023. The act requires NERC, in consultation with the Regional Entities and transmitting utilities across transmission planning regions with interconnected facilities, to conduct a study to examine the total current transfer capabilities between neighboring transmission planning regions.

The ITCS will also evaluate additions to transfer capability that could strengthen grid reliability, and will provide recommendations on how to best meet and maintain total transfer capability. The ITCS will be submitted to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) in December 2024, and FERC will then provide a report on it to Congress, with recommendations for any legislative action. NERC has an ITCS page on its website with additional resources as well as information on the ITCS team and advisory group, the phases and technical scope of the project.  

Click here to visit the ITCS webpage located on the NERC site.