NERC launches IBR registration resources for entities

As part of its Inverter-Based Resource Strategy, NERC is dedicated to identifying and addressing challenges associated with inverter-based resources (IBR) as the penetration of these resources continues to increase. FERC issued an order in 2022 directing NERC to identify and register owners and operators of currently unregistered bulk power system-connected IBRs to address a reliability gap associated with increasing integration of IBRs on the grid. Working closely with industry and stakeholders, NERC is executing a FERC-approved work plan to achieve the identification and registration directive by 2026.

In Phase 1 of this project, NERC worked with the Regional Entities to develop potential Rules of Procedure revisions to address registration of owners and operators of unregistered IBRs that have an aggregate, material impact on reliability. Having been approved by the NERC Board of Trustees, the proposed revisions will be submitted to FERC in early March and if approved will result in materially impactful IBRs becoming subject to NERC’s Reliability Standards.

NERC has launched several initiatives to ensure industry stakeholders are kept informed throughout this critical, three-phase project.

More information is available on NERC’s website.