Regional Risk Assessment highlights top eight risk priorities in the ReliabilityFirst region

The 2023-24 Regional Risk Assessment (RRA), published Tuesday by ReliabilityFirst (RF), breaks down the highest priority risks to the reliability, security, and resilience of the bulk power system within our unique footprint.  

We pinpointed the following eight risks in collaboration with industry stakeholders on our technical committees and subcommittees: 

  • Environmental Factors 
  • Cyber Security 
  • Changing Resource Mix 
  • Supply Chain 
  • Physical Security 
  • Misoperations 
  • Modeling 
  • Situational Awareness 

This assessment informs our future work to mitigate these risks through our tools, processes, and outreach and training efforts. We use the information to support and inform our operational plans and goals. 

It is designed to supplement the risk identification work done across the Electric Reliability Organization (ERO) Enterprise, including the NERC ERO Reliability Risk Priorities Report, which identifies ERO-wide risk profiles and areas of focus. 

“Historically, our RRA has been a key driver in our decision-making and work prioritization at an internal level,” said Jeff Craigo, RF senior vice president of reliability and risk. “We believe these results hold valuable insights that are beneficial to our stakeholders. As we seek solutions to the complex challenges of the future, collaboration is vital.”  

Read more in the 2023-24 RF Regional Risk Assessment, learn how these risks interrelate in our infographic, and watch a recording of our March Tech Talk for an in-depth breakdown of the report. 


ReliabilityFirst is one of six regional organizations which, in conjunction with the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC), are known as the Electric Reliability Organization (ERO) Enterprise, responsible for ensuring the reliability and security of the North American Bulk Electric System. Under the authority of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), we audit utility companies on mandated standards related to cybersecurity, vegetation management near vital power lines, preparation for extreme weather and more. We also promote the reliability and security of the electric grid through outreach, training and analysis, that includes partnership with communities and experts. We are based out of Cleveland, Ohio, and our footprint includes the Great Lakes and Mid-Atlantic areas of the United States.