ReliabilityFirst > Registration & Certification
Registration & Certification
What to know
ReliabilityFirst’s registration function aims to ensure that the entities necessary for the reliable operation of the Bulk Electric System are registered appropriately.
- All Bulk Electric System owners, operators, and users located in the ReliabilityFirst region responsible for (or intending to be responsible for) the reliability functions must register with the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) through the Organization Registration process.
- The NERC registration process is incorporated via Section 500 of the NERC Rules of Procedure. Further guidance for registration is outlined in Appendix 5A (Organization Registration and Certification Manual) and Appendix 5B (Statement of Compliance Registry Criteria) to the Rules of Procedure. These processes are designed to ensure that no areas lack entities to perform the duties and tasks required by the NERC Reliability Standards, and that coverage is not duplicated.
- The NERC Compliance Registry (NCR) lists all registered entities that are subject to compliance with approved NERC Reliability Standards. The current NCR Matrix is posted here.
ReliabilityFirst also conducts certifications to ensure that entities applying to perform the critical Balancing Authority, Transmission Operator and/or Reliability Coordinator reliability functions are capable of performing those functions.